Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Mark-1 used instruction stored in papper tapes and punch cards.Mark-1 consist of 7 lakhs 50 thousend parts.

  • Designed by Howard Akien(1900-1973), a Harvard engineer in 1937.

  • Mark-1 was the first automatic electromechinal computer.

  • Maek-1 was 51 ft. tall and 3 ft. wide having 18000 vaccum tubes.

  • Mark-1 used instruction stored in papper tapes and punch cards.

  • Mark-1 consist of 7 lakhs 50 thousend parts.

Jon Von Neumann

  • Jon Von Neumann was the doctorate in mathematics from the University of Budapest on set theory.
  • Jon Von Neumanndesigned the EDVAC with team of J.P Eckert and J.W. Mauchly.
  • Jon Von Neumannintroduced the concept of having a stored programe in memory in 1945.
  • This concept led to the beginning of the first generation of the computers.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Lady Augusta Add Lovelace

Lady Augusta Add Lovelace

  • An English Mathematician (daughter of English Poet Lord Byron) carried forward yhr work ofCharles Babbage.
  • Lady Augusta Add Lovelace developed programes for performing mathematical calculation on the Analytical Engine.
  • Lady Augusta Add Lovelace was first computer programmer.
  • One programming language 'Ada' was named after her.

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage
  • A professor of mathematics developed a machine called Difference Engine in 1822.
  • In 1833, he developed the Analytical Engine.
  • He is known as the Father of the modern computer as his invention Analytical Engine hadthe work for more of the characteristics of modern computers.

Hollerith Tabulator

Hollerith Tabulator
  • Developed by Ana American Dr. Hermam Hollerith(1869-1926) in 1887.
  • Hollerith Tabulator Used punched cards for input, output and instructions.
  • This machine was used by American Department of Census.
  • In 1886, he founded the tabulating machine company which was renamed as IBM(International Business Machine) later.

Analytical Engine

Analytical Engine

  • Developed by Charles Babbage in 1833.
  • Analytical Engine had store for storing data and introduction result.
  • Analytical Engine had an output device to produce printed result.
  • Analytical Engine had a unit for calculation 'mill'.
  • All the modern computers are based on analytical engine

Difference Engine

Difference Engine
  • Design by Charles Babbage(1792-1871) an English mathmatematician, in 1822.
  • Difference Engine could solve equations.
  • This project could not be completed due to lack of funds.
  • Difference Engine is housed in the Science Museum, London and all is till in perfect working order.